How to Keep Audience Engaged? 10 Successful 演示文稿 Presentation Rules

We live in a fantastic time. 世界正在迅速变化,数字宇宙将发生重大变化. To cope with such a rapid information flow, 您必须学习如何正确地组织和呈现数据给您的潜在受众. While you address the audience, 重要的是,不仅要传达必要的信息,还要创造一个引人入胜和鼓舞人心的演讲. Such ones will remain in people’s memories for long. 让你的听众对你的ppt有反应,而不是在你演讲时看到冷漠的哈欠脸, 请参阅以下内容 演示文稿 presentation rules.

规则# 1. Get the Audience involved with Your Content

是什么? 第一秘密 of any successful presentation? You will not believe how transp是nt it sounds. 秘诀在于提供引人注目、结构良好、呈现良好的内容.

你知道, 当所有听众拿出手机只为一个目的——抓拍演示幻灯片时,那种内容, 和 not checking their 脸谱网 or Instagram feed.

They say, “Content is King!”


但是你怎么知道听众是否准备好了,或者你的内容是否有趣呢? How would see if the audience is involved enough?

第一个, 记住一个生活的真理——人们不愿意去思考和努力去做一些事情. And, most likely, they don’t c是 about your presentation. 然而,你的内容和表达方式可以改变他们的观点.

利用专业的设计和有吸引力的图像和图形布局,帮助观众更有效地理解你的内容. 看一看 幻灯片模板 从Templateog体育首页.

Here is one of many examples - Minimal 演示文稿 Template.

Every - Minimal 演示文稿 Template


规则# 2. 与他们交流!

The more actively your audience participates in the process, 你就能更有效地传递必要的信息.

尽可能多地添加 的相互作用 〇尽可能 games, tests, tricky questions. 当人们与内容交互时(至少以某种方式),参与度就会增加. 要想有一个完美的结局,问观众一个问题,让他们有所思考. It doesn’t matter if they respond immediately or leave it for later. They’ll reflect on the topic in any case.

规则# 3. 讲故事

The human brain reacts automatically to stories. Somehow, this is a part of our survival mechanism (呆在洞里! 猛犸象灭绝了!). Also, stories 是 a great way to entertain yourself (the reason why kids love fairy tales 和 why people watch movies). 讲故事 使叙事成为人与人之间最重要的沟通手段之一.

当我们听到故事时,我们会比别人列举事实时更注意. 讲故事 during your 演示文稿 presentation helps the audience to underst和 和 memorize the information for a longer time, even after the story’s end.

Instead of concluding a chain of facts (figures, 分解), which can drive even the most positively-minded person crazy, make a story out of those facts.

I guess, the recently-added Marakesh 演示文稿 Template will be perfect as a storytelling base for your 演示文稿.


规则# 4. Stop Reading Text from Slides

So, 69%的受访者回答说,他们无法忍受演讲者朗读幻灯片上的文字. 你必须 convey the information in your own words without even looking at the slide.

Yes, I mean you have to memorize it. Otherwise, you risk having your audience fall asleep.

规则# 5. Keep the Reasonable Font Size

48% of people hate when the font size is too small. 比如,当人们连一个字都看不懂的时候,谁会在乎你每张幻灯片上的天才文字? 再见你所有的创造性的文本,有用的统计数据,有意义的评论等.

The 更多的 Bundle Presentation 演示文稿 Template


规则# 6. Do Not Be Afraid to Joke

Even during the most serious TED talks, 将斯蒂芬 does not forget to laugh at himself. 他知道—— humor rules the world. Even in the business world.

如果你正准备在你的客户或投资者面前做一个严肃的演讲, 不要认为在演讲中使用幽默是不合适的. You do not need to joke around all the time. This instead means staying cheerful 和 appealing. 听众会欣赏你轻松的沟通和简单的语言.

虽然找到合适的幽默氛围可能很难,但我仍然建议你冒一下险. The effect is amazing! 在你的演讲中,人们对你想要分享的想法更加开放.


规则# 7. Choose the Right Fonts

In 2012, 《og体育》 had an experiment called "Are you an optimist or a pessimist?". The participants had to read a piece from a book 和 answer "是的" or "no" to several questions. 实验的目的是确定不同的字体是否会影响读者对文本的信心.

其中40K名参与者看到了用不同字体(Comic Sans字体)打印的同一段文字, 计算机现代, 乔治亚州, 抛石机, 巴斯克维尔, 海维提卡.

The results state: text written in Comic Sans海维提卡 “可信赖的” 在读者中,而 巴斯克维尔 font, on the contrary, gained the most of trust. 根据心理学家的说法,这与字体更正式的外观有关.

Timeline Infographics 演示文稿 Template


规则# 8. 可视化

People perceive information differently. So, you tell somebody: make a beautiful presentation. 在你的脑海里,你正在描绘一幅美丽的演讲应该是什么样子的特定画面. 但你甚至没有想到,别人对一个漂亮的演讲的看法与你的有很大的不同.

因此,它是 better to show five images than to explain everything in words. You need more visuals. 图形,图表和视觉隐喻-一切支持和证明你的论点. Speaking of visual metaphors, 这是一种使用图像来说明你的想法或分离重要陈述的方式. Such visual metaphors 是 likely to stay in people’s minds longer.

不要停留在传统的视觉效果上,因为1998年已经过去20年了. 时尚和 modern 演示文稿 presentation 现在的想法与我们10年或15年前看到的大不相同. Make sure you keep up with the latest trends, including moving graphics, 视频, emojis 和 gif animations.

例如, 惯性模板 有一套令人难以置信的布局与现代外观的信息图表和图表. I haven’t seen anything better so far!

Inertia 演示文稿 Template


规则# 9. 简化设计

一次 演示文稿 let us experiment with colors 和 slide designs, 人们开始认为,留下纯白色的背景是沉闷和不专业的. 这就像如果你改变背景颜色,一些魔法会让你的客户接受订单.

Who still believes in this kind of a delusion? 当你可以用一个单词或图片来解释你的想法时,为什么我们还要用许多物体来修饰幻灯片?

Unnecessarily details, elaborate design, 和 unreadable fonts only distract the audience from the idea 你想要传达. 使用插图和最少的文字就足以将你的想法传达给听众并抓住他们的注意力.

记住, 少不无聊. Look at this minimal 演示文稿 template, 和 you’ll make sure!

哲学 - Minimal 演示文稿 Template


规则# 10. 使用个人例子

One more way to reach your audience is giving examples 和 reflect the issue of the listeners. It doesn’t necessarily mean providing examples from your own life. 一次 you know your target audience, 无论是在会议上的演讲,还是在潜在投资者面前, think of how your topics can relate to them directly.

用例子 help support your solutions to the presented issue. 人们可能并不关心你的解决方案对其他人是否有用, but once you show how it might affect them, people will start listening attentively. Psychology is so basic.

Remember those listing facts out loud is not a presentation. 如果你想给人留下深刻的印象,就要说服观众并敦促他们行动起来. 你得改进你的演讲结构,增加一些热情.

All the above-described rules work. Use 和 implement them in your presentation.






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